Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji
Satguru Ram Singh JI – Timeline
Parkash Utsav of SRI SATGURU RAM SINGH JI. (Born on Basant Panchmi of 3 February 1816). Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji is ranked as one of the personalities who shaped the millennium. Sri Guru Ram Singh considered political freedom a part of religion. He had lasting influence which changed the history and outcome of British rule in India. Satguru Ji’s wisdom and philosophical outlook contributes to mankind and had influence on its contemporaries. His contribution for gender equality on its own, takes him to the top of the list of supreme reformers of the world. Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji..Read more
In The Army
Mr Kabul Singh, the brother-in-law of Satguru Ram Singh Ji succeeded in persuading him to join the army. His stay in army was from 1837 to 1845. He joined Maharajah Ranjit Singh army regiment of Prince Nau-Nihal Singh under the command of Brigade Major Mackson. Satguru Ram Singh Ji remained regular in His prayers, meditation and other religious routines. During this period, Subedar Kahan Singh had become his disciple. In fact he was the first to realise the divine powers of Satguru Ram Singh J i. Whatever the Guru uttered in state of trance was always proved to be true.
In 1841, the Sikh army on its way to Peshawar. stopped over at Hazron, the head quarters of Satgum Balak Singh Ji. They learnt about the popularity and spiritual greatness of Satguru Balak Singh Ji. Satguru Ram Singh Ji also went to pay his reverence to Satguru Balak Singh J i along with other soldiers. On seeing Satguru Ram Singh Ji , Satguru Balak Singh Ji at once recognised him. He said, ” O Thakur Ji, I had been waiting for you since long”. Satguru Balak Singh Ji performed formal ceremony by offering five pesas and a coconut to Satguru..Read more
Leaves the Army
The first battle was fought between the Khalsa army and the British Imperialists at Mudaki on 18th December, 1845. Visualizing the inevitable future and goals of the imperialists, He left the army and headed back to Sri Bhaini Sahib. Satguru Ram Singh Ji declared, “You can’t be victorious how so ever hard efforts you may put in, as you have forgotten the teachings of the Guru”. On the way out, he threw his gun into the River Sutlej at Harike and left the army for good. On being asked by the Sikh Sardars, Satguru Ram Singh Ji replied. “I am..Read more
After leaving the army in 1845, Satguru Ram Singh J i returned to Sri Bhaini Sahib and engaged himself deep meditation. Giani Gian Singh Ji in his famous book Panth Prakash has described this as: ‘He spent nearly twenty years of beatitude in single-minded devotion, austerity and meditation. The Ridhi-Sidhi – the treasure and the supernatural powers, were revealed to him as no mare than the maid-servants of Naam.’ Such was the impact of his practice of Naam, that whatever he uttered proved true. The heavens themselves spoke to this great man charging him to spread Naam, the giver of enlightenment..Read more
Birth of Sant Khalsa
The first triangular white flag of the Indian Independence Movement, which symbolizes Sikh Tenets: Truth, Purity, Simplicity, Peace and Unity was hoisted by the 12th Sikh Guru – Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji on the eve of the Baisakhi Festival – 1st Baisakh Samat 1914 (12th April 1857), when Sri Satguru Ji re-inaugurated the SANT KHALSA (also known as Namdhari Sikh Panth) at Sri Bhaini Sahib. After 158 years of Satguru Gobind Singh Ji’s establishment of Khalsa Panth, Satguru Ram Singh prepared the Amrit and baptised Sant Kahan Singh Nihang, Sant Labh Singh, Sant Atma Singh, Sant Naina Singh and Sant Sudh..Read more
Printing of Sri Guru Granth Sahib
In order to rejuvenate Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Sikhism and encourage Sikhs to read Gurbani, Satguru Ram Singh Ji got the Adi Sri Granth Sahib printed by S. Buta Singh Diwan of Lahore in 1859 A.D. These were were published through stone lithography (patthar shappa).
Ardh Kumbh Mela at Haridwar
Sri Satguru Ram Singh goes to Haridwar on the occasion of Ardh-Kumbh. At Haridwar, the sangat could not pick up a burning heavy timber beam. Sri Satguru Ji himself and his younger brother Budh Singh picked it up from either side and put off fire by throwing it into the Ganga river waters. Here he made Sahib Kaur sit on burning ‘pyre with her son’ and by his spiritual power did not let the heat affect them.
First Sikh Anand Karaj ceremony
Satguru Ram Singh was the first to perform marriage by Anand Karaj system. Marriages as per the Anand Karaj Maryada were preformed for the first time at Village Khotey (then in Distt. Firozepur) on 3rd June 1863 A.D., Jeth Sudi 10th, Vikrami Samvat 1920. Seeing this countless Sikhs starting performing marriages by the Anand Karaj system. He brought about a revolution in society by solemnizing the marriage with utmost simplicity. He initiated a brand new ritual for marriages where there was no room for ‘thaka’, ‘shagun’, ‘barat-doli’, ‘milni’, ‘muklav’e and ‘dowry’.
Confinement in Sri Bhaini Sahib.
But in the reformist movement of Satguru Ram Singh Ji, the British rulers started to see a danger to their authority. The reports were also to the effect that the Guru wanted to re-establish Khalsa Rule. Hence it was ordered by the Government of Punjab on 03-07-1863 that “Ram Singh is to be directed to remain in his village & the police will keep themselves informed. and report direct on his (Satguru Ram Singh) proceedings”. This vigil lasted till 13.02.1867
Satguru Ram Singh Ji celebrates his 1st Hola
Satguru Ram Singh Ji celebrates his 1st Hola at Village Khotey in Distt. Ferozepur (Vikrami Samvat 1922). In coming years further Holas were celebrated: 1868- 2nd Hola – At Anandpur Sahib (Vikrami Samvat 1923). 1868- 3rd Hola – Satguru Ram Singh Ji celebrated Hola At Sri Bhaini Sahib (Vikrami Samvat 1924). 1869- 4th Hola: Satguru Ram Singh celebrates Hola at Manna Wale (Vikrami Samvat 1925). 1870- 5th Hola at Sri Bhaini Sahib (Vikrami Samvat 1926). 1871- 6th Hola Satguru Ram Singh celebrates the 6th Hola at Anandpur Sahib (Vikrami Samvat 1927).
Amritsar slaughter house incident of 15th June 1871
For the sake of independence of India and to preserve sanctity of Sri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar on the night of the 15th June 1871, an attack was made to close the slaughter house, which had been allowed to operate adjacent to the Golden Temple. Four men were killed outright and three others were badly wounded. The Sikhs freed all the cows.
Raikot slaughter house Inicident
Namdhari sikhs attacked the slaughter house of Raikot at midnight of 15th July 1871. Satguru Ram Singh Ji had to appear in the court on 24th July 1871. He reached there along with 36 Kuka Sikhs, Subas and other prominent persons. He denied any information about the incident and also denied giving money to anybody for the purpose. Sessions Judge J. W. Macnabb awarded death penalty to Gurmukh Singh, Mangal Singh, Mastan Singh and Gulab Singh on 27th July 1871 based on the witnesses of Ramo, Daloo and Kahna.
Namdhrai Shaheeds at Raikot
Sessions Judge J. W. Macnabb awarded death penalty to Gurmukh Singh, Mangal Singh, Mastan Singh and Gulab Singh on 27th July 1871 based on the witnesses of Ramo, Daloo and Kahna. Judge C. Bolinos of Chief Mohinder Singh of Patiala Court, Panjab approved the punishment and Justice J.S. Campbell confirmed it. They were ordered to be executed on 5th August 1871 at Bassian near Raikot.
Namdhari Shaheeds at Amritsar 15th September 1871
For their part in the attack on the slaughter house on 15 June 1871 (to preserve sanctity of Sri Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar), four Namdhari Sikhs : Sant Lehna Singh, Sant Beehla Singh, Sant Fateh Singh and Sant Hakam Singh were hanged to death openly by the British Government on 15th September 1871 at Ram Bagh Amritsar. The hangings were designed to create terror among the masses and an attempt to banish the Kuka Movement.
Namdhari shaheeds at Ludhiana
On 26 November 1871, Giani Rattan Singh and Sant Rattan Singh, two Namdhari Sikhs (Kookas), were hanged from one of the branches of a banyan tree in full public view, in Ludhiana outside the jail premises. Suba Giani Rattan Singh of Mandi and Sant Rattan Singh of Naiwala had committed no crime but were considered associates of the Raikot martyrs, who had for forcibly closed down a number of slaughterhouses opened by the British in the state. The governments determination to continue cow slaughter proved to be an effective instrument of their ‘divide and rule’ policy. The patience of Namdhari Sikhs..Read more
Malerkota incident
In Malerkota, an incident of a minor nature occurred in which Gurmukh Singh Namdhari requested a vegetable seller to show mercy on an Ox which was suffering at its owners orders. The ensuing verbal confrontation between the two led Gurmukh Singh to the court for punishment. A Muslim judge, instead of pacifying the excited feelings, ordered that the Ox be slaughtered before the eyes of Gurmukh Singh. The next day Gurmukh Singh went to Sri Bhaini Sahib and narrated the whole story. Revenge was high on the mind of the Sikhs and Satguru Ram Singh Ji said “If you can..Read more
Shaheed Bishan Singh and Harnam Singh
In the saga of Malerkotla on 17th January 1872, there were two children who attained martyrdom. One was Bishan Singh and the other was Harnam Singh. Bishan Singh was twelve year old. On the advice of his wife Mr. Cowen said to him,“Say that you are not a Sikh of Ram Singh and I shall spare your life” On hearing insulting words, his eyes started to flash with anger and he was enraged. He pounced and roared like a lion and caught hold of Kevin’s beard and said , “Will you dare to say again that I am not a..Read more
Arrest of Satguru Ram Singh Ji
Using events in Malerkota as an excuse the British seized this opportunity to arrest Satguru Ram Singh and many of his subas. They were put under arrest on the night of 17th January 1872 and next day taken to Allahabad. No trial against Satguru Ji took place.
Malerkotla Shaheedi
On the orders of Mr Cowen, 49 Namdharis (without any summary trial or legality) were blown by cannons on 17 January 1872. Seven cannons boomed seven times – 49 Sikhs were torn to shreds for the freedom of their motherland. One Namdhari boy (aged 12) named Bishan Singh was beheaded (martyred) by sword on the same day at Malerkotla . Many modern historians write that the Kukas were first tied to the cannons and then blown off which is wrong completely.Because the writer of Panth Prakash Giani Gian Singh ji was an eye witness to this gory incident, he writes in..Read more
18 January 1872
After the gruesome executions of the day before, a further 16 Namdhari Sikhs were blown up by cannons at Malerkotla on 18 Jan. 1872. Four Namdhari Sikhs out of those involved in the armed attack on Malerkotla were given life-imprisonment (Kala Pani). Sir Henry Cotton in his book, Indian and Home memories on page 112 says “For my part I can recall nothing during my service in India, more revolting and shocking than these executions and there were many who thought as I did and still think that the final orders of the establishments were lamentably inadequate”.
Calcutta Port to Rangoon
On Friday, the 11th March 1872 at Calcutta Port, Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji, accompanied by his personal assistant, Bhai Nanu Singh, boarded the ship for Rangoon. At this occasion, Sri Satguru ji warned the Britishers that as a repercussion to what they have done to his person during winter, sufferings shall fall upon them in summer. And this happened after 75 years exactly. After the nine years confinement at Rangoon, His Holiness was then in 1880 was shifted to Mergui.

Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji
Commemorative stamp release
24 Dec 2014 The then Union Minister for Communication & IT, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad released a commemorative stamp to highlight heroic deeds of those engaged in Kuka Movement. Speaking in the occasion, Mr. Prasad said that the sacrifices made by people of Punjab will be always remembered. He said members of the Movement raised voice against foreign rule at a time when people feared most barbaric approach of the rulers. The Kuka Movement evolved feeling of self respect & sacrifice for the country. They played significant role in the historic Non-cooperation Movement of India.
Picture in Indian Parliament
For years, Satguru Ram Singh Ji’s great gift to mankind was only to be talked about in Namdhari media. Even today many Indians, let alone the world, are void of this first chapter in their history of the fight for India’s independence. But in Dec 2008, the government finally honoured the achievements of the Kookas fighters and the contribution of Sat Guru Ram Singh’s non-cooperation movement. On 22nd December 2008 , the Indian prime minister unveiled a portrait of Satguru Ram Singh Ji in the parliament of India. His holiness Sri Satguru Jajit Singh Ji graced the occasion.
Satguru Ram Singh Marg Delhi Metro station
Patel Nagar (West) Delhi Metro station on Kiriti Nagar/lnderlok – Mundka Line, was been renamed as “Satguru Ram Singh Marg Metro station”
Contradictions in the ‘death report’ of Satguru Ram Singh Ji
Official documents confirm that Satguru Ram Singh Ji was alive after 1885! Sir Charles Bernard, Chief Commissioner of British Burma, in his letter dated 23rd August 1886, informed Sardar Atar Singh of Bhadaur – “Ram Singh, Kuka, is going to be transferred to a more remote spot, where communication with him will be less easy.” This information, from the highest authority of the British Burma, contradicts the Civil Surgeon’s ‘death report’.
Contradictions in the ‘death report’ of Satguru Ram Singh Ji
A report by The Civil Surgeon, Mergui, to the Deputy Commissioner, Mergui, No. 99, dated the 29th November, 1885, states – ” I beg to report to you upon the death of State prisoner Ram Singh, which event has taken place just this moment 4.30 pm. The man has been in a decline sometime past, and with the setting in of the cold weather, he has had another attack of Diarrhoea and he complained of the change very much…. ‘ Guru Ram Singh did not expire on 29th November 1885. Either he was transferred to a ‘more remote spot’, as written..Read more
Permission to meet the Satguru -1874
In 1873 Satguru Hari Singh (Maharaja Budh Singh) gave an application for permission to meet Satguru Ram Singh Ji. It was rejected so that nobody could come to know where he was detained. However the application given by Harnam Singh and Chandon for a meeting with the Satguru Ram Singh was accepted. They were permitted to Visit Yangon on 23rd October 1874. This triggered a ray of hope. They reached Yangon with offerings of money and clothes. They met the Chief Commissioner on 16th April 1875. They were taken into custody under an order and deported to Kolkata in a..Read more
Calcutta Port to Rangoon
On Friday, the 11th March 1872 at Calcutta Port, Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji, accompanied by his personal assistant, Bhai Nanu Singh, boarded the ship for Rangoon. At this occasion, Sri Satguru ji warned the Britishers that as a repercussion to what they have done to his person during winter, sufferings shall fall upon them in summer. And this happened after 75 years exactly. After the nine years confinement at Rangoon, His Holiness was then in 1880 was shifted to Mergui.
18 January 1872
After the gruesome executions of the day before, a further 16 Namdhari Sikhs were blown up by cannons at Malerkotla on 18 Jan. 1872. Four Namdhari Sikhs out of those involved in the armed attack on Malerkotla were given life-imprisonment (Kala Pani). Sir Henry Cotton in his book, Indian and Home memories on page 112 says “For my part I can recall nothing during my service in India, more revolting and shocking than these executions and there were many who thought as I did and still think that the final orders of the establishments were lamentably inadequate”.
Arrest of Satguru Ram Singh Ji
Using events in Malerkota as an excuse the British seized this opportunity to arrest Satguru Ram Singh and many of his subas. They were put under arrest on the night of 17th January 1872 and next day taken to Allahabad. No trial against Satguru Ji took place.
Malerkotla Shaheedi
On the orders of Mr Cowen, 49 Namdharis (without any summary trial or legality) were blown by cannons on 17 January 1872. Seven cannons boomed seven times – 49 Sikhs were torn to shreds for the freedom of their motherland. One Namdhari boy (aged 12) named Bishan Singh was beheaded (martyred) by sword on the same day at Malerkotla . Many modern historians write that the Kukas were first tied to the cannons and then blown off which is wrong completely.Because the writer of Panth Prakash Giani Gian Singh ji was an eye witness to this gory incident, he writes in..Read more
Shaheed Bishan Singh and Harnam Singh
In the saga of Malerkotla on 17th January 1872, there were two children who attained martyrdom. One was Bishan Singh and the other was Harnam Singh. Bishan Singh was twelve year old. On the advice of his wife Mr. Cowen said to him,“Say that you are not a Sikh of Ram Singh and I shall spare your life” On hearing insulting words, his eyes started to flash with anger and he was enraged. He pounced and roared like a lion and caught hold of Kevin’s beard and said , “Will you dare to say again that I am not a..Read more
Malerkota incident
In Malerkota, an incident of a minor nature occurred in which Gurmukh Singh Namdhari requested a vegetable seller to show mercy on an Ox which was suffering at its owners orders. The ensuing verbal confrontation between the two led Gurmukh Singh to the court for punishment. A Muslim judge, instead of pacifying the excited feelings, ordered that the Ox be slaughtered before the eyes of Gurmukh Singh. The next day Gurmukh Singh went to Sri Bhaini Sahib and narrated the whole story. Revenge was high on the mind of the Sikhs and Satguru Ram Singh Ji said “If you can..Read more
Namdhari shaheeds at Ludhiana
On 26 November 1871, Giani Rattan Singh and Sant Rattan Singh, two Namdhari Sikhs (Kookas), were hanged from one of the branches of a banyan tree in full public view, in Ludhiana outside the jail premises. Suba Giani Rattan Singh of Mandi and Sant Rattan Singh of Naiwala had committed no crime but were considered associates of the Raikot martyrs, who had for forcibly closed down a number of slaughterhouses opened by the British in the state. The governments determination to continue cow slaughter proved to be an effective instrument of their ‘divide and rule’ policy. The patience of Namdhari Sikhs..Read more